Getting Started
How to set up Clubzap for Coaches/Mentors so you can setup for teams and parent groups
- Download the app at the Apple App Store or Google Play Store
- Select the install button to begin the process.
- Search for St. Sylvesters from the list of available clubs.
- You will be asked to confirm the club you selected is correct.
- Enter your mobile phone number in the mobile sign in screen. Select your country code by clicking the flag if it is different from the default choice. Enter your number and click next.
- You will receive an sms code to your phone. On some Android devices this is auto populated for you or else manually enter the code and continue.
- Enter your Full name and Email address and select Sign Up
- You are now active on the platform and can start using the app.
Setting Up Chat Groups
Only Group Chat Admins can setup chat groups – these are assigned by the club initially so check with stsylvesterspro [at] if you need some one added. Chat admins should be Leads Mentors or coaches/parents responsible for team communications. Chat Group Admins can also assign other coaches as admins as needed.
They can also update Fixtures, & Results if needed.
Full details on setting up Group Chats available HERE >
Inviting Parents/Coaches to join
Chat group admins and non admins can now invite people to request to join a team chat group. Scanning a QR code or clicking on a sharable link will either:
Install the app and issue a request to join that chat group for users who do not currently have the ClubZap app
Initiate a request to join that chat group for users who already have the app installed but are not members of that group
Full Details HERE >
ClubZap Help Centre
ClubZap have a fantastic help centre – search for anything about the app and how to use it – HERE >